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A Very Vampy Valentine's Day

Vampires. Right??

So I'm a little out of season. But this year? It's going to be a very vampy Valentine's Day.

It has recently come to my attention that I am obsessed with vampires. You'd have thought I would have realized this back in my Twilight years (approx. 2008 until when I realized it was embarrassing. Cue a brief sabbatical, until a glorious return when I realized I love embarrassing things) ... or when I became obsessed with The Lost Boys (1987) (I have even seen the straight-to-video sequel. So you get the picture).

Sam and Michael, the original blood brothers. The Lost Boys forever.

I guess I really should have known when one of the first movies I ever truly loved was The Little Vampire (2000).


Even on this blog, I watched Nosferatu (1922) and Dracula (1931) last year and didn't even think twice. I also was basically mesmerized, for better or for worse (but likely for the better), by Interview with the Vampire (1994). The Munsters (1964-1966) has been a part of my life ever since I can even remember.

Anyways, it wasn't until I recently binged the living hell(mouth) out of two incredible television series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997- 2003) and Angel (1999 -2004). I get that I'm twenty years late to this.

But this does not mean that the utterly devastating and magnificent impact of these shows is any less. The stakes (get it) were very high.

If anything, I went through the horrific highs and lows this beautiful, undead odyssey of teen television - and then there was no one who understood.

this cast *cries*

In this extremely fragile state, my vulnerable heart has allowed the exhortations of friends and Netflix to persuade me to start watching The Vampire Diaries (2009 - present). I'm on Season Two.

So on this lovely Valentine's Day, I find my heart set on hearts that aren't beating. I'm seeing red, but it's likely the result of a jugular or a stake .

I stumbled upon a photo from the Buffy finale online the other day and couldn't even finish aimlessly browsing. I think Buffy and Angel were the real last nail in the coffin.


Because it's not until you binge watch twelve seasons of late-1990s-early-2000s television that you start to think about what your behavior is telling you:

Spike understands.

I am not sure yet how I feel about my apparent obsession with vampires. But somehow, this seems very fitting for Valentines Day, if not only because vampires are incredibly morbid (and what's more morbid than Valentine's Day?!), then also because people are falling in love with vampires all the time nowadays.

For the first time in my life, I can now move forward with this knowledge. Aside from the choice selection of vampy films and shows I've accidentally fallen for over the years (effectively every vampire thing I've ever seen), I now should probably ... I don't know, actually decide to see more vampire movies.

So that begs the question: what are the most essential vampire movies that are missing from my repertoire? Time to do some fang research.

As for you, how are you celebrating your Valentine's Day? I hope it's filled with lots of love (if it's not, Buffy is great place to start).

Have a fabulous Valentine's Day, blood brothers and sisters.

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