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The End of Summer Round-Up

Fall is on the horizon, ladies and gents.

You know what that means (you don't because this is the first time I'm doing this, but let's pretend!)! It's time for my 1st Annual End-of-Summer Round-Up post!

So what's the low-down on summer 2017 movies? What's the word on the street on the summer haul? What's the skinny on this summer's cinema? You don't care as long as I stop talking like that? Okay!

Down to business. The truth is unavoidable: this was a bad summer for movies.

Nothing happened.

Of course, we've already discussed the new Spidey movie. Here's me politely clapping. I was pleased. We were all pleased. And since I never got around to seeing "Dunkirk", I have no further reports. I made no other trips to the movie theater this summer.

This is an extreme anomaly. Usually, I'd be at my local cinema. First in line. Buying Sour Patch Kids. Kicking down doors. (I've never kicked down a door. Someone could be injured. But I've been close).

But whatever! The action during Summer 2017 wasn't in theaters anyway. For me, it was pretty much all on Hulu (shout out to my sis for financing this family of Hulu watchers).

For me, this was a summer of watching British TV that I didn't have access to in America until it was recently put on Hulu (more on that later). Also, I have been having a hearty laugh watching the original (outrageously 1980s) "21 Jump Street" TV series, which is also on Hulu.

AND SINCE BOTH "BUFFY" AND "ANGEL" WERE TAKEN OFF OF NETFLIX THIS SPRING FOR SOME UNFATHOMABLE REASON (it was licensing but no), I am relieved to find that both seasons now have a home on Hulu (even though that's probably why they were taken off of Netflix in the first place, which is - you know - dumb).

So I guess this post is really just a post to, unfortunately, confirm that nasty rumor that's going around. Yes, it's true that I didn't see anything this summer.

But Fall is coming, baby. And that's a whole different ballgame.

What are you looking forward to seeing in the upcoming months? I'll keep you posted on any of my new discoveries and let me know what you're watching, too. Stay strong, cinephiles!


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