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"Jailhouse Rock" (1957)

I knew I'd seen Jailhouse Rock before. But the only thing I could remember about it was the famous titular musical number of the movie. As for everything else, it was one big whopping nothing in my mind.

Which was weird. Usually, I have a pretty okay memory for films. Scenes stick with me, you know what I mean?

It was even weirder because wasn't like I watched this years and years ago, either. I'm pretty sure I watched this, like, within the last two years.

So I agreed to sit down with my mom and watch it again. I was too curious. Had I been multitasking when I first watched it? Or falling asleep or something?

Upon review, what I discovered is that "Jailhouse Rock" is a very interesting movie for the simple reason that there is exactly one memorable scene in the whole thing.

And it is, of course, the "Jailhouse Rock" song number.

The premise is that Elvis gets sent to jail for accidentally killing a man while defending a woman that man was preying on, but don't worry - when Elvis gets sent to the big house, he's in and out of there.

Given that the title had "Jailhouse" in it, I figured we'd be seeing a lot of metal bars and striped uniforms, maybe even a few riots, but again, I was wrong. The time spent in the jail is just a fraction of the film. Most of it we watch the post-jailhouse Elvis being discovered as a big star for a song he sings. Then he kind of becomes a jerk because fame goes to his head.

By the time we get around to the Jailhouse Rock number, it came as a real lifesaver considering I was pretty freaking bored.

I was grumpy that this movie could have as easily been titled "Elvis does a brief stint in prison then gets discovered and becomes a huge star... rock".

I guess I was expecting Jailhouse Rock to be Elvis's version of The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night (although, technically, it would be the other way around. Do you think The Beatles would ever have made a movie if The King hadn't made it the thing to do?).

A Hard Day's Night is simultaneously an important movie, a famous movie, and, best of all, an enjoyable movie. But I found that Jailhouse Rock is only important and famous.

Of course, young Elvis isn't terrible to look at and the "Jailhouse Rock" sequence does make it worth your while, but when it comes to picking a favorite Elvis movie, I'll definitely keep looking.


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